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Mitral Valve Repair and Replacement

Mitral Valve Repair and Replacement

Mitral valve repair and replacement are surgical procedures to correct or replace the mitral valve in the heart, which controls blood flow between the left atrium and left ventricle. These procedures are performed to treat conditions like mitral valve regurgitation or stenosis, which can lead to heart failure if left untreated. 

What to Expect

Before the Procedure

  • A thorough evaluation, including imaging tests such as echocardiograms, MRIs or CT scans, to plan the procedure.
  • Pre-operative instructions, which may include fasting and medication adjustments.
  • Discussion of anesthesia options and any risks or concerns you may have.


During the Procedure

  • You will be taken to a specialized operating room equipped for cardiac procedures.
  • The surgeon will access the heart through a small incision, often using minimally invasive techniques.
  • Mitral Valve Repair: The valve is repaired using techniques such as ring annuloplasty, leaflet resection, or chordal transfer.
  • Mitral Valve Replacement: The damaged valve is replaced with a mechanical or biological prosthetic valve.
  • The procedure typically takes 3-5 hours.


After the Procedure

  • You will be monitored in a recovery area and may need to stay in the hospital for observation for several days.
  • Instructions on post-operative care, including activity restrictions and wound care, will be provided.
  • Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your recovery and the success of the procedure. 


Recovery times vary, but most patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks to months. It's important to follow all care instructions and attend follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and heart function. 

Risks and Complications

While mitral valve repair and replacement are generally safe, they do carry some risks, including:

  • Infection: Proper care and hygiene can help minimize this risk.
  • Bleeding: Some bleeding at the surgical site is normal, but excessive bleeding should be reported.
  • Arrhythmias: Irregular heartbeats may occur and typically resolve on their own.
  • Reactions to Anesthesia: Any concerns about anesthesia will be discussed before the procedure. 

Success Rates

Mitral valve repair and replacement have high success rates, with most patients experiencing significant improvement in heart function and symptoms. Regular follow-up care is essential to ensure long-term success.