Our Pediatric Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (S.A.F.E.) program provides a safe, comfortable environment for sexual assault victims under the age of 13 to receive the medical care and emotional support they need.
What is child sexual assault?
Sexual abuse is any time that a child is engaged in a sexual situation with an older person.
Examples include:
- Anal Sex (Sodomy)
- Digital Penetration
- Fondling
- Indecent Exposure
- Oral Sex
- Rape or Attempted Rape
- Use of a child in prostituion or pornography
What should I do if I suspect my child has been sexually assaulted?
If your child hints that he or she may have been sexually assaulted or tells you about a specific incident, remain calm and reassure your child that you believe him or her. Make sure your child understands that he or she is NOT to blame. Call the Carroll County Advocacy and Investigation Center (CCAIC) at 410-386-3640. They will direct you on how to get your child examined. Only if the child has injuries that require immediate medical attention should you go to your doctor or hospital.
What will the S.A.F.E. program do?
After speaking with an investigator from CCAIC, a forensic exam will be scheduled with a forensic nurse at Carroll Hospital center. If you child is brought to the ED with injuries prior to contact with CCAIC, the hospital will notify CCAIC as we are required by Maryland State law to report suspected child assault to Child Protective Services (CPS). A law enforcement officer from the CCAIC will speak to you at the hospital or by phone to determine if an investigation is warranted.
CCAIC may decide that your child needs a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam. This exam is performed by a pediatrician and one or more of our pediatric forensic nurse examiners and may include taking photos to document their findings.
What happens after the exam?
Carroll Hospital will give all examination records, evidence and findings to CPS to pursue your case. We also provide expert witness testimony for the court system and appropriate referrals for follow-up care and counseling for both you and your child. Please know that we are here to help you and your child in any way we can.
Carroll Hospital S.A.F.E. Program
200 Memorial Ave.
Westminster, MD 21157
Carroll County Advocacy and Investigation Center (CCAIC)