Adult S.A.F.E. Program

Comprehensive, compassionate care for adult victims of sexual assault  

Our Adult Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (S.A.F.E.) program provides comprehensive care, support and evidence collection for adult victims (ages 13 and up) of sexual assault. SAFE allows victims to be evaluated in comfort and privacy by a specially-trained forensic nurse within about 3 to 4 hours.


What is sexual assault?


Sexual assault is described as any type of sexual activity that you do not agree to, including:

  • Inappropriate touching and fondling
  • Forced masturbation
  • Unclothing
  • Unwanted oral or genital contact
  • Anal intercourse (sodomy)
  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Unnatural or perverted sexual practices


What should I do if I've been sexually assaulted?


Get to a safe place away from the attacker and call a trusted family member or friend. Remember that what happened is not your fault and that support and help are available.

Call 911 and/or the CARE Healing Center’s 24-hour hotline at 410-857-7322.

Do NOT wash, clean or comb any part of your body and do not change clothes or disturb anything at the scene of the assault.

Go to the nearest hospital immediately for treatment. Carroll Hospital is the designated sexual assault center in Carroll County.


What will the S.A.F.E. program do?


Victims brought to the hospital are evaluated and treated by a forensic nurse examiner. The forensic nurse examiner works with an ED physician to provide necessary medical care to these patients. The examiner will ensure that evidence is objectively collected, documented and presented in court. A rape crisis volunteer will also be available at the time of the exam to provide emotional support.


The SAFE program also:


Provides expert witness testimony for the court. Provides referrals for follow-up care and counseling contacts law enforcement, rape crisis counselors and community agencies on your behalf.

Provides free emergency and S.A.F.E. program services regardless of whether a police report is filed.

We encourage, but do not require anyone to file a police report. Notifying law enforcement may keep your attacker from assaulting others and allows adequate investigation of the crime scene. Many victims who do not file a report say that they later regretted their decision.




Carroll Hospital Adult S.A.F.E. Program
200 Memorial Ave.
Westminster, MD 21157


CARE Healing Center 
