Sinai Hospital President Appointed to Second Term on National Health Care Workforce Commission


Baltimore, Md. - Neil Meltzer, president and chief operating officer of Sinai Hospital of Baltimore and senior vice president of LifeBridge Health, has been selected by Gene Dodaro, comptroller general of the United States, to serve a second 3-year term on the U.S. Government Accountability Office's National Health Care Workforce Commission. Meltzer was first appointed to the Commission when it was formed in 2010.

The Commission is tasked with making recommendations to the president, Congress, state and local governments about health care issues facing the country's workforce to ensure that professionals are prepared to meet the current and future needs of all Americans.

"I look forward to continuing the committee's work to positively affect communication among leaders in all levels of government; coordinate initiatives among federal departments; assess employee education and training programs; and urge the use of technological and environmental innovations in health care work sites around the United States," said Meltzer.

Meltzer has been a leader in workforce development in Baltimore city and in the state of Maryland for decades. He currently serves as the chairman of the Maryland Hospital Association's Legislative and Regulatory Policy Committee and has served on the Baltimore City Workforce Investment Board and as chairman of the Health Care Steering Committee of the Governor's Workforce Investment Board. Meltzer is also a former national chairman of the board of the American Heart Association.

LifeBridge Health is one of the largest, most comprehensive providers of health services in Northwest Baltimore. In addition to Sinai Hospital, LifeBridge Health also includes Northwest Hospital, Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital, Courtland Gardens Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, and related subsidiaries and affiliates. For more information, visit

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