Northwest Hospital Is Naming Gift Shop to Honor Auxiliary President Audrey Lifcovich for Raising More Than $7 Million to Help Patients and Their Families


What: How do you thank someone who has spent 45 years volunteering at Northwest Hospital and whose efforts have contributed more than $7 million to help the communities the hospital serves? You hold a special ceremony to honor Audrey Lifcovich and name the gift shop, Audrey's Boutique. Audrey has run the gift shop for decades, has accumulated 80,000 volunteer hours and has been the Auxiliary president since the1980s. This permanent tribute represents her heart, hard work and dedication to the families and patients who depend on Northwest Hospital.

When: Monday, December 9, 2019**
              11 a.m.
Where:  Northwest Hospital
5401 Old Court Road (front lobby off Carlson Lane)
Why:  Under Audrey's leadership, the Auxiliary-run gift shop and smaller events have provided more than $7 million to help with projects including Northwest Hospital Emergency Department renovations, buying new technology for the hospital, creating a healing garden and sponsoring art therapy programs. 

Audrey, along with her husband, Mark Lifcovich, not only bought the merchandise to sell at the gift shop, but organized the volunteers and spent thousands of hours on-site running the day-to-day operations and planning for the long term.

Under Audrey's leadership, the gift shop, now Audrey's Boutique, went from only providing flowers, candy and magazines to having hats, jewelry, handbags, clothes and knick-knacks along with the traditional fare. In fact, the gift shop has become a shopping destination for Randallstown-area residents.

In addition to her work at the gift shop and as the Auxiliary president, Audrey was also appointed to the Northwest Hospital board in 1994. In 2014, the United Way of Central Maryland named Audrey a "Volunteer of a Lifetime."

** Follow up: More than 50 people attended the naming of Audrey's Boutique. Interim President of Northwest Hospital and Executive Vice President of LifeBridge Health Leslie Simmons was one of the speakers at the event. There were members of the boards of directors around LifeBridge Health, current and former Northwest Hospital Auxiliary members, current and former gift shop volunteers, Northwest Hospital team members and people who shop at Audrey's Boutique as well as Audrey's friends and family.