New Citywide Survivors of Homicide Campaign Launches Today


Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Child Abuse Center (BCAC), Storyfarm, and the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) have partnered to create a Baltimore City-wide social media campaign to bring more awareness and additional needed resources to child and teen survivors of homicide and other violent crimes.  

BCAC Executive Director Adam Rosenberg said, "We read every day about violent crime in our city, and too often the youngest victims are forgotten. For every homicide victim, there are many others deeply traumatized, and they are often children and teens. They may have witnessed the crime, lived on that street, or know the people affected. Recent research has demonstrated the trauma inflicted on a child who experiences homicide can be as great as having been a victim of abuse, assault, or neglect. Our video campaign's goal is to reach children and youth affected by homicide and to make sure they and the adults in their lives know that we have resources to help."

"The Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention is pleased to support the work of the Baltimore Child Abuse Center and its initiative to support those impacted by homicide in Baltimore," said GOCCP Executive Director Glenn Fueston. "A cornerstone of GOCCP's mission is to serve victims of violent crime, providing resources to help them cope with and overcome both seen and unseen impacts of violence they may witness or experience." GOCCP is also expanding its partnership with the Baltimore Child Abuse Center to provide additional support for children who witness non-fatal shootings and other violent crimes.

Storyfarm, a video production agency in Baltimore, is providing the strategy, concept, execution and distribution of the campaign.

Storyfarm CEO John Sherman said, "Baltimore Child Abuse Center is one of our oldest clients, and a true partner. We were thrilled to work with BCAC with grant money provided by the Maryland Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention. We chose a striking animation style we think will resonate with young people and the adults in their lives."

The campaign will run on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat citywide for two months starting May 1, 2019. Viewers are encouraged to share the video with #youcanbethedifference.

In addition to the video campaign, viewers will be redirected to a micro-site which informs caregivers, teachers, and community members on how to best care for  children and youth impacted by homicide. BCAC incorporated providing support and services to child witnesses to violence and survivors of homicide as a part of its mission five years ago.

About Baltimore Child Abuse Center
Baltimore Child Abuse Center recently became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit subsidiary of LifeBridge Health. Celebrating more than 30 years of advocating for children throughout Maryland, the mission of Baltimore Child Abuse Center is to provide victims of child sexual abuse, trauma, and other Adverse Childhood Experiences in Baltimore and their non-offending caretakers with comprehensive forensic interviews, medical treatment, and mental health treatment with a goal of preventing future trauma. Visit BCAC online at

About Storyfarm
Storyfarm is a hybrid video agency founded in 2008; an innovative blend of high-end film production company backed up by the creative and strategic firepower of an ad agency. Storyfarm creates live action, fully animated, VFX and experiential content for brands including Exxon-Mobil, McDonalds, Uber and Mas