Full-Scale, Mass Casualty Exercise to Involve Sinai Hospital, Fire Departments, EMS and Police ***


What: A large, mass-casualty exercise to include Baltimore City and Baltimore County first responders, Sinai Hospital, government officials and more than 100 volunteers will simulate an active shooter scenario and the response to rescue the injured and secure the area. ***

When: Sunday, June 10, 2018  
 9 a.m. - Noon

Where: Pimlico Race Course and Sinai Hospital

Who:  Sinai Hospital planned the exercise as part of its ongoing emergency preparedness program.  More than 20 groups and organizations are participating to test their own readiness and their ability to collaborate if the worst happens. Among them: Baltimore City Police, Baltimore City Fire, Baltimore County Fire, Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company, Chestnut Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, MEMA, MIEMMS, the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management, the Red Cross Pimlico Race Course and Sinai Hospital.
Why: This exercise gives Sinai Hospital, fire departments, EMS, police departments and others the opportunity to evaluate their readiness to respond to and treat mass casualties in the event of an attack on a large gathering. It also tests the coordination of agencies to work together to protect the public.

 Although participants will have a general idea of the scenario, they will not know specific details of what will take place, which will test their response to a developing situation.

 More than 100 volunteers will receive make-up to look as if they are injured.
Drills and exercises are essential to proactively assess the expertise and readiness of those on the frontlines of public safety and medical care.

 ***If possible, we are asking for the media's help in informing the public before the exercise, so community members are not alarmed if they see police cars, fire engines and ambulances, and hear loud noises and sirens near the Pimlico Race Course and Sinai Hospital during the hours of 9 a.m. to noon on Sunday, June 10.

It is just an exercise and NOT a real emergency.