Dedication of Sinai Hospital Donor Memorial Wall


Donor Wall On June 9, Sinai Hospital hosted the dedication ceremony of the Sinai Hospital Donor Memorial Wall in collaboration with The Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland (LLF). The wall is the first in the country with a feature that allows visitors to sign themselves up to become donors on the spot, simply by swiping their driver's licenses under a monitor on the wall.

"Sinai Hospital is honored to be home to the nation's first interactive registration donor memorial wall. We hope the inspiring donor and recipient stories, as well as the easy-to-use kiosk,Donor Wall Dedication Ceremony encourages visitors and employees to consider and choose organ and tissue donation," says Amy Perry, president of Sinai Hospital and executive vice president of LifeBridge Health. "We are pleased to work with The Living Legacy Foundation on this important initiative as we acknowledge and thank these generous donors and their families."

More than 100 people attended the dedication at Sinai. Speakers included representatives from The Living Legacy Foundation, Sinai Hospital and Sonia Taylor. Ms. Taylor really understands the gift of receiving and the importance of giving. She received a corneal transplant when she needed one, and unfortunately, her nephew was an organ donor after his tragic death. The ceremony was very meaningful for donors, patients and the community.

Donor Wall Dedication Ceremony"As a living donor myself, I am proud to be part of the important work of organ donor registration. The LLF is changing the game of donor registration by placing Swipe to Donate Life on a donor wall where the call to save lives through donation will be powerful and continual," stated Chuck Krutsinger, the CEO of Countermind, the company that created "Swipe to Donate Life."

The Sinai wall is the first wall where perspective donors can "Swipe to Donate Life." However in March of 2015, Maryland implemented the program as an electronic device app where a donor's information is securely added to the Donate Life Maryland Registry in real time.

"With over 120,000 people currently on the organ transplant waiting list, it is imperative that every person who wishes to save lives as an organ and tissue donor takes action and registers," said Charlie Alexander, president and CEO of The LLF. "We are proud to work with LifeBridge Health and Countermind to make saving lives through organ and tissue donation as easy as possible."

Those wishing to save lives as an organ and tissue donor can also register by saying "Yes" online at

ABOUT LIFEBRIDGE HEALTH: LifeBridge Health is one of the largest, most comprehensive providers of health services in Maryland. LifeBridge Health includes Sinai Hospital, Northwest Hospital, Carroll Hospital, Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital, and related subsidiaries and affiliates. For more information, visit

ABOUT THE LLF: The Living Legacy Foundation is a non-prof