Team LifeBridge - February 2017
Let's meet this month's representatives of Team LifeBridge!
Carroll Hospital
Diagnostic Imaging Department
When a patient arrives at the hospital, often one of the first tests that is ordered to help physicians in making a diagnosis involves imaging. That's where radiologists from Carroll Hospital's Diagnostic Imaging Department play an essential role.
Consisting of about 75 associates, the diagnostic imaging department provides imaging services to patients in the emergency department, on all units and to patients receiving outpatient procedures. Led by Gretchen Stiner, B.S.R.T., director, and Bertan Ozgun, M.D., chief of diagnostic imaging, the department, which includes support staff, radiologists and technologists, provides a range of imaging modalities including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography or CT scan, ultrasound imaging and nuclear medicine.
Not only can technologists perform many imaging exams directly in the operating room, but if patients are too ill to be moved, technologists can use portable devices to perform exams at a patient's bedside.
Sinai Hospital
Facilities Department
There are 38 full-time mechanics hard at work in Sinai Hospital's facilities department. The team is on call 24/7, 365 days a year to provide and maintain a clean and healthy environment for patients and employees.
The mechanics, who are hard to miss in their blue uniforms, are responsible for overseeing preventive maintenance schedules and the operation and maintenance of the hospital's lighting, plumbing, electrical, air conditioning and heating systems.
Also, they respond quickly and efficiently to daily service requests from patients and employees. From small tasks such as adjusting room temperatures to fixing television remote control issues, to larger projects including painting rooms or unclogging toilets, Sinai's mechanics play a crucial role in making sure that patients are comfortable during their stay and that employee requests are handled with minimum disruption.
A team you can always count on, the facilities department mechanics are determined, motivated and passionate about their work.
Rubin Institute For Advanced Orthopedics
Operating Room Staff
Some registered nurses and certified surgical technologists from the operating room at the Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics sure know how to have fun.
They recently took their team spirit outside the hospital when staff members enjoyed a potluck dinner and crab feast on their now-annual camping trip.
Along with working hard every day to provide exceptional quality care, keep their patients safe and happy, and collaborate with doctors and other team members, the Rubin Institute's R.N.'s and C.S.T.'s clearly demonstrate that the team that plays well together works well together!
LifeBridge Health
Elvira Pasmanik, M.D. - A community physician practice
The team at the physician practice of Elvira Pasmanik, M.D., strives for excellence in delivering medical care to their patients. They say what unites them as a team is their passion for their jobs, and an uncompromising determination to save people's lives.
The team members come from countries around the world and from states across America. They believe that living their motto of Let our Family Care for Yours comes from their own diversity as a group, which includes people from different cultures and ages, allowing them to better understand their patients' needs.
To provide the best health care outcomes for the people they serve, team members including physicians and medical staff practice personalizing care for each patient. "We see our relationship with our patients as a partnership, says Elvira Pasmanik, M.D. "We believe it's essential to spend time with each patient explaining what we're doing as well as outlining their treatment options to them."
Many of the people the team help are elderly or disabled residents from local group homes, including patients with congenital deafness.
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