Q&A - Dwayne Richardson, Senior Vice President of Operations, Carroll Hospital


As Carroll Hospital's new senior vice president of operations, Dwayne Richardson leads all service lines within the hospital, providing leadership, support and guidance to facilitate seamless operations and exceptional performance. He has 30 years of experience in the health care industry.

Mr. Richardson talks about how he is adjusting to his new role and new home in this Q & A:

Q: After your first month at Carroll, what do you think?

A: Everyone has been so warm and friendly towards me, and the welcome I've received has made the biggest impression. Another thing that has impressed me is how involved community members are - for example, when they provided transportation support for our employees in the recent snowstorm.

Q: What has surprised you most?

A: The weather! The cold, snow and rain in Maryland are something I haven't experienced in years. I've been told that "things can change in about an hour here," and it's true.

Q: What is your vision for your new role at Carroll Hospital?

A: Because I'm responsible for our service lines, I'm interested in enhancing and expanding our offerings, and figuring out opportunities to establish and build relationships to support our services to the community and beyond.

Q: What's your guilty pleasure?

A: Food. I love trying out new restaurants and getting recommendations from others. I thought I was a connoisseur of crab cakes - until I moved to Maryland.

Q: If you could pick one person to be stuck on a desert island with, who would it be?

A: My wife, who is my best friend, and my almost 11-year-old daughter, who is the best kid ever. Sorry, but they come as a team.

Q: What's something most people do not know about you?

A: I got a chance to perform for King Hassan II of Morocco when I was part of a theater group at Penn State University. I wasn't a theater major but was cast after being noticed by a director doing some silly antics. It's my claim to fame!

Q: What do you want your colleagues at LifeBridge Health and others to know about you?

A: I loved the clinical side of my jobs before moving to the operations. I used to be a pediatric radiology technologist and a critical care nurse. But, I also love the job that I'm doing now. In addition, I enjoy interacting with people and making a difference, especially if it brightens someone's day.