New Survey Created To Improve Health Of Surrounding Community


LifeBridge Health is doing a Community Health Needs Assessment survey to better understand our community's health needs and priorities. As a resident of a community that our hospitals serve, your thoughts are very important to us.

Below is a link to a brief survey asking for your thoughts about our community's health and needs. By taking this brief survey, you will help us to understand what you think are the most important and pressing health needs of the community. Your participation will also help our hospitals to develop programs and strategies to meet those identified health needs.

To access the survey, click here.

Beautiful mural in Park Heights community

Thank you so much for your time and your willingness to partner with LifeBridge Health to improve the health of our community. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Danielle Marks at (410) 601-0572.

To schedule an appointment with one of our highly trained physicians and find out why LifeBridge Health is Baltimore's premier health care organization, call 410-601-WELL.