A Diversity Message from Neil Meltzer, President and CEO, and Dr. Sybil Pentsil, Chief Diversity Officer – August 2024

Thank you to all our team members for your daily efforts across all our campuses, making LifeBridge Health a safe and welcoming place for everyone. We are a diverse team that celebrates our unique individuality while working together to care for our patients, community and each other. Keep reading to learn about some of the observances taking place this month.
National Black Business Month
Every August we celebrate National Black Business Month, an annual observance that began nearly 20 years ago by two San Francisco-based Black business executives to highlight the remarkable achievements and contributions of Black-owned businesses across the United States.
National Eye Exam Month
August is National Eye Exam Month and there is a lot you can do to help keep your eyes healthy and protect your vision in between your yearly exams.
Summer Sun Safety Month
Summer Sun Safety Month is observed in August as a reminder to keep yourself safe and healthy in the sun during the summer. Sunlight is essential for your body to produce Vitamin D, however too much of it can cause harmful effects to your skin and eyes.
Lughnasadh (8/01)
August 1 is Lughnasadh, a harvest celebration of Gaelic origin and one of the eight sabbats in the Neopagan Wheel of the Year. Lughnasadh is an official holiday in Ireland, marked by various fairs and festivals, and is observed by modern Wiccans and Neopagans. We send our best wishes to all who celebrate for a joyful start to the harvest season.
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (8/09)
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples is observed annually on August 9 in honor of indigenous peoples across the globe. Indigenous peoples are those who are ancestrally native to the areas they inhabit. This day is a celebration of native cultures all over the world with the aim of education and awareness.
Tisha B’av (8/12-13)
Tisha B’Av is an annual fast day in Judaism, on which several disasters in Jewish history occurred, primarily the destruction of both Solomon’s Temple by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the Second Temple by the Roman Empire in Jerusalem.
Qixi (8/10)
The Qixi (Double Seven) Festival is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh Chinese lunar month, falling this year on August 10. Also known as Chinese Valentine’s Day, the holiday originates from a Chinese legend about a humble cowherder who fell in love with a fairy from heaven. As the story goes, the fairy’s mother was a goddess who separated the lovers with a river of stars, creating the Milky Way. However, the lovers were still able to use a bridge of magpies to meet once a year. Qixi is the romantic Chinese holiday and is still celebrated with exchanges of gifts, such as flowers or chocolate, between lovers.
Women's Equality Day (8/26)
In the United States, Women’s Equality Day is observed on the anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment, which ensured women’s right to vote, being signed into law on August 26, 1920. Women’s Equality Day serves to remind us of the hard-fought social advancements women in the United States have achieved, as well as the many remaining obstacles which must be addressed in working towards a more equitable society for people of all genders.
Calls to Action
REFLECT: Do I take an active role in learning about, sharing and participating in J.E.D.I. at LifeBridge Health?
RECOGNIZE: While I may not have all the answers, being an engaged team member makes a difference in our culture.
RESPOND: I will intentionally learn about, share or participate in a J.E.D.I.-focused event, learning opportunity or experience this month - lots of ideas for how to go about this are included in this message.