A Diversity Message From Neil Meltzer - February 2021


February is African American History Month (also known as Black History Month), a month dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary contributions and achievements of African Americans to our culture and nation. It is observed in February in the United States and Canada, and observed in October in other countries such as Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

While officially designated in the U.S. in 1976, the need for an observance originated in 1926 when historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History lobbied for a weeklong commemoration of African American contributions and history. The second week of February was chosen because it coincided with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Gradually, Black History Week was recognized in many cities and by 1976, Black History Month was officially recognized nationwide.

On February 1, many who follow the Celtic tradition or pagan-influenced religions will celebrate Imbolc or (Saint) Brigid's Day. The holiday marks the beginning of spring and is held halfway between winter solstice and the spring equinox. Imbolc highlights aspects of winter and sunlight and heralds the change of seasons. Customs practiced on this day include putting candles in windows to encourage the sun to return faster, enjoying special foods and holding outdoor bonfires.

February 14 is Valentine's Day, a day when many will recognize and celebrate their loved ones. Also called Saint Valentine's Day or Feast of Saint Valentine, on this day people will give their significant others gifts and symbols of love (such as cards, red roses and chocolate). In the Philippines, mass wedding ceremonies with hundreds of couples exchanging or renewing their vows has become a popular tradition.

The Chinese New Year begins on February 12, and 2021 is the Year of the Ox. Celebrated in China, as well as other East Asian and Southeast Asian countries (Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand) and popular in Chinatowns around the world, the Chinese New Year is China's most important tradition. To celebrate, traditional customs include decorating homes, watching fireworks, giving gifts and enjoying a family feast.

Celebrated on February 17, National Random Acts of Kindness Day may resonate with us all as members of our healthcare family. Whether it's with small gestures such as holding open a door, assisting a coworker or complimenting a colleague on his or her work, any act of kindness you make has a lasting impact on the community. As members of the LifeBridge Health community, our dedication to ensuring everyone is treated with compassion, respect and dignity are not just acts of kindness but also how we stay true to our mission to Care Bravely.

February 17 also is Ash Wednesday, which is observed by individuals from various sectors of Christianity including Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans and Methodists. It marks the first day of Lent, a six-week period of penitence before Easter. On Ash Wednesday, many Christians will attend church services (in person or virtually) and receive ashes on their foreheads in the sign of the cross. Many Christians will wear the ashes throughout the day to publicly express their faith and penance.

At LifeBridge Health, we embrace diversity, and these monthly Diversity messages are meant to recognize and celebrate the richness of our team members' cultures and that of our country. We celebrate both what makes us diverse and unique, and what makes us the same-our shared purpose of caring for communities together.

Thank you for the commitment you make every day to CARE BRAVELY and live our LifeBridge Health values.