A Diversity Message From Neil Meltzer - April


April is National Arab American Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the contributions Arab Americans have made to the United States from the arts and sciences, politics, industry and education. With more than 4 million people of Arab heritage living in America, they represent a variety of backgrounds and beliefs, cultures and faiths.

Neil MeltzerPassover, from sundown April 10 to sundown April 18, is a time for Jewish people to commemorate the Israelites' liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. According to tradition, when the Pharaoh refused to heed Moses' request to release the Israelites, God slew every first-born son in an Egyptian household, "passing over" the Israelites' children; this was enough to make the Pharaoh relent. Every year, Jewish people around the world celebrate this gift of liberty by coming together to share the story of Passover and a ceremonial meal called a Seder.

Easter is one of the major holidays of the Christian calendar. On this day, Christians across the world celebrate Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead. Easter is always on the Sunday after Good Friday (April 14), a day that marks Christ's death on the cross. Easter is the culmination of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. This year, Easter falls on Sunday, April 16.

Earth Day is observed on April 22, and it is an opportunity to bring awareness to the global efforts to protect the environment. Earth Day started in the United States in 1970 as a way to increase awareness about ecological problems. Today, it is celebrated by billions of people in more than 193 countries. Festivities include educational programs to inform people of ways they can help protect the environment and our world's natural resources. This year, a March for Science rally and teach-in will be held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. For more information, click here.

At LifeBridge Health we celebrate both what makes us diverse and unique, and what makes us the same - our shared purpose of caring for communities together.

- Written by Neil Meltzer, president and CEO of LifeBridge Health