Creating a Healthy Workday


Dr. Miriam Alexander, M.P.H., LifeBridge Health's medical director for employee health and wellness, shares these wellness tips for how to create a healthy work day:

Take a Break!

During the workday, it is essential to take breaks. Occasionally stand up and walk up and down the hall or around the department. Instead of calling, texting or emailing your co-workers, walk over to them. Also, don't eat at your desk or work area so often; whenever possible, get away, even if only for 15 minutes, and enjoy a change of scenery.

It's important to do these things proactively. You will more than make up for the break time you take during the workday with enhanced productivity and renewed energy.

Work Relationship Challenges? Plan a Strategy!

If you have a difficult relationship with a co-worker or manager, plan a strategy. If a conversation or an interaction is likely to cause you stress, defer it. Asking a co-worker, "Can I come to your workstation in a few minutes to discuss something?" or "Can we walk over to the end of the hall?" gives you a few moments to prepare yourself for how you want to approach the conversation. The emphasis during this prep time shouldn't be on what you want to say, but how you're going to say what you feel. You must feel that you are in control of your response and not let your emotions get the better of you. No matter the outcome of the conversation, you will feel that you are in control of what is within your power, and that in itself can reduce stress.