3 Ways Massage Therapy Can Improve Your Workout


Massage has a host of beneficial effects, from relaxation to post-injury therapy. But can massages really improve your workout? LifeBridge Health & Fitness' massage therapy experts give their top three ways a massage can help supercharge your workout!

1. Increases Flexibility and Range of Motion: A lack of flexibility and limited range of motion can increase your chance of injury. Receiving massage regularly helps nourish your muscles and thus helps keep them supple and flexible.

2. Improves Sleep: Sleep is essential for your body's recovery process. It is not only important for your workout routine, but also for overall wellness. Sleep deprivation can increase the risk of bodily injuries such as falling, straining tired muscles, and the like. Massage therapy can help relax your body and your mind. As massage helps improve sleep patterns it can also help those who suffer from, stress, anxiety, and depression.

3. Pain Reduction: Whether caused by occupational overuse or injury massage minimizes or alleviates muscular pain. If you are experiencing pain, you may not be able to approach your maximum effort and therefore you are not getting the most out of your workout. Massage improves blood flow to the muscles; this helps provide the muscles with nutrients and oxygen giving muscles what they need to perform properly.

To get the best results from your massage, it is recommended that you schedule it within 72 hours following your workout. For more information about LifeBridge Health & Fitness' massage therapy services please visit our massage page or call 410.318.6819.